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Saving water

তৃতীয় শ্রেণি (প্রাথমিক স্তর ২০২৪) - English For Today - Save Our Planet | NCTB BOOK

A. Read the text.

The world population is increasing. The need for clean water is also increasing. One day, we may not have enough clean water. So, we should start saving water now!
Here are some tips to save water in our everyday lives.

1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.
2. Turn off the tap after you wash your face.
3. Do not use too much soap to wash your hands.
4. Do not use too much water when you take a bath.
5. Finish all the water in the glass, when you drink water.
6. Do not misuse when you water the plants in your garden.

We use water in the wash block and toilet at school. Sometimes, we water the plants in our school garden. We must follow these tips when using water.

B. Read the text in A again. Tick the best answer.

1) What should you do when you brush your teeth?
a) Brush quickly
b) Turn off the tap
c) Turn on the tap

2) When you use too much soap to wash your hands, you...
a) save water.
b) feel better.

c) misuse water.

3) When you leave half a glass of water after drinking, you...
a) save water.
b) help others to drink.
c) waste water.


C. Read the text in A again. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) Why may we not have clean water one day?
b) What should we do while we take a bath?
c) Why do we water the plants carefully?
d) How should we use water during school time?
e) Why do we follow the tips for using water?


D. Write the answers to the questions in Activity C in your exercise book.

E. How can you and your family save water? The following questions will help you to write the answers.

a) When do you use water at home?
b) When do your family members use water?
c) How do you save water at home?
d) What tips do your family members follow to save water?


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